Author name: Skopek Orthodontics

Skopek Orthodontics lady regularly consulting his orthodontist

Preventing Dental Disease Starts with Assessing Your Unique Risk

Over the last century dentistry has acquired the knowledge, techniques and treatments to prevent or minimize tooth decay. With this enhanced knowledge we’ve amassed a wealth of data about what increases dental disease development and what prevents it. This has produced a balanced approach to identifying and treating disease-causing factors and incorporating factors that inhibit […]

Preventing Dental Disease Starts with Assessing Your Unique Risk Read More »

Skopek Orthodontics man grinding his teeth

Stop Teeth Grinding Now Before it Creates Dental Problems Later

Chronic stress is like a tea kettle on the boil—all that “steam” has to go somewhere. We often do this through behaviors like biting our nails, binging on comfort food—or grinding our teeth. That latter habit, however, could have a detrimental effect on teeth, including excessive enamel wear or even fractures. Also known as bruxism, teeth

Stop Teeth Grinding Now Before it Creates Dental Problems Later Read More »

Skopek Orthodontics portrait of Mayim Bialik exposing her pretty smile

Why Big Bang Theory Actress Mayim Bialik Couldn’t Have Braces

Mayim Bialik has spent a good part of her life in front of TV cameras: first as the child star of the hit comedy series Blossom, and more recently as Sheldon Cooper’s love interest — a nerdy neuroscientist — on The Big Bang Theory. (In between, she actually earned a PhD in neuroscience from UCLA…but that’s another

Why Big Bang Theory Actress Mayim Bialik Couldn’t Have Braces Read More »

Skopek Orthodontics checking patient's blood pressure

3 Reasons for Blood Pressure Checks During Dental Visits

You may have been surprised by a new addition to your regular dental appointment routine—we took your blood pressure at the start. While you might expect this at a medical clinic, it seems unusual at the dentist’s office. But not anymore: blood pressure checks at dental offices are quickly becoming routine, including during regular cleanings

3 Reasons for Blood Pressure Checks During Dental Visits Read More »

Skopek Orthodontics examining a patient's teeth and gums

Bone, Gums and Implants – Keeping a Healthy Balance for a Beautiful Smile

Restoring a smile with implants involves more than the surgical procedure itself. We must also take into consideration the quality of the bone they’re placed into and the gums that will surround them — the “canvas” that showcases your new beautiful smile. Bone — not only at the missing tooth site but supporting neighboring teeth

Bone, Gums and Implants – Keeping a Healthy Balance for a Beautiful Smile Read More »

Skopek Orthodontics young man loosing a teeth from playing sports

The Time Interval to Replant a Knocked Out Tooth Can Affect its Longevity

Contrary to what you might think, a knocked out tooth doesn’t inevitably mean tooth loss. Time is of the essence — the shorter the interval between injury and replanting the tooth, the better the tooth’s long-term survival. The longer the interval, on the other hand, the less likely the tooth can survive beyond a few

The Time Interval to Replant a Knocked Out Tooth Can Affect its Longevity Read More »