Graduating with a Great Smile: The Impact of Orthodontics on Confidence

Graduating with a Great Smile: The Impact of Orthodontics on Confidence

When you meet someone new, what is the first thing you notice about them? If you’re like most other Americans, then the first thing you notice when you meet someone new is their eyes and their smile. That’s right, statistically speaking, people notice your smile before they notice anything else about you, so your smile conveys the first impression of you to others. At Skopek Orthodontics, we want each of our patients to feel confident in that first impression.

Graduation, both high school and college graduation, bring plenty of opportunities to meet new people and to make first impressions, and we know the confidence a new smile brings can positively impact most of those first impressions. A straight, properly aligned smile can boost our confidence by transforming our facial aesthetics, improving our overall oral function, and by enhancing the health of our gums and teeth. Let’s dive a little deeper into each of the confidence-boosting benefits.

Enhanced Appearance:

Once you complete the personalized treatment plan that Dr. Skopek designs for you, then your teeth will be perfectly aligned, creating harmony and symmetry in your facial structures. A fun fact about symmetry is that our brains are actually hardwired to notice symmetry in facial structures. Symmetrical facial structures are thought to be more appealing to the eye! Dr. Skopek will correct any misalignments, gaps, spacing issues, and bit issues, completely transforming your smile aesthetic and, in turn, upgrading your confidence levels.

Improved Oral Function:

Our goal at Skopek Orthodontics is to use orthodontic treatment to both enhance the appearance of your smile and to improve your oral function. During treatment, we will focus on properly aligning your teeth and jaws so we can correct overbites, underbites, open bites, and crossbites, which can cause discomfort or difficulty in chewing or speaking. When our patients can eat without pain and speak without difficulty, they exude more confidence in their social lives and in professional settings.

Healthier Teeth and Gums:

Having a healthy, sparkling smile can significantly impact the confidence of our patients. Did you know straight teeth are actually easier to clean? Misaligned teeth have several nooks and crannies that bacteria can hide in, making it harder to properly clean your teeth and providing plaque with the perfect environment to thrive. Straighter teeth are less prone to decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems. Clean teeth, healthy gums, and fresh breath can all contribute to an increase in the confidence of our patients.

At Skopek Orthodontics, our treatment plans are uniquely tailored to each patient’s needs and treatment goals. All of our patients love that Dr. Skopek keeps them involved in the treatment process and informed during their journey. Our number one goal is to give you the smile of your dreams so you can have confidence in your smile for a lifetime!

Our team takes pride in providing transformative orthodontic treatment that improves the health of our patients while simultaneously boosting their confidence. Are you ready to achieve your best smile and to bolster your confidence? Call our office today at (847) 277-1212, and schedule your free orthodontic consultation today! We are so excited to meet you and embark on your journey to a more confident you!

Dr. Skopek has been proudly serving the North Barrington community and surrounding areas – including Arlington HeightsBuffalo Grove, and Lake Zurich – for over 25 years. In addition to Invisalign for teens and adults, Dr. Skopek also offers several braces treatment options as well as teeth whitening, and in-house retainers.

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